Operating the safest and most reliable fleet in the industry is OSG’s top priority

Vendor & Contractor Safety Certificate of Completion

7 + 5 =

Vendor & Contractor Safety

Vendors and contractors who conduct business with OSG are held to a high standard when working onboard an OSG vessel, to ensure that all safety and environmental regulations are followed. To expedite the check-in process when visiting a vessel, we encourage you to view the OSG Vendor & Contractor Orientation Video which will provide an overview of the expectations when working onboard. All vendors and contractors that come onboard to perform work are expected to view the video at least once a year.

Once you have viewed the OSG Vendor & Contractor Orientation Video, you will be able to print a certificate with your name on it which you must bring to the vessel and present to the Captain or person in charge onboard the vessel. The certificate will be exchanged for a wallet card which you must keep and show for every subsequent visit to any OSG vessel.
